In early January 2023, I was exploring the construction classes offered at City College of San Francisco (CCSF). I had always been interested in these courses, but most of them were scheduled during the day, conflicting with my work hours. However, after being laid off, I took up the opportunity and registered for a few Construction Management classes. With just a week between my last day of work and my first day of classes, the timing was perfect!

Within my first week of school, I learned about the Construction Administration Professional Services Academy (CAPSA) program and promptly enrolled. The program required me to take a full course load, so I registered for additional classes related to the building industry. As I neared the end of the vocational program, I started applying for jobs in the field and secured a position by early June.

The Construction Management courses provided a great introduction to a new industry. However, after a short stint at my new job, I realized I still had an itch to learn hands-on construction skills. I decided to take the rest of the year to decompress and prepare for a month-long trip to Asia. Then, in January 2024, I finally took the leap to get my hands dirty!

Fundamentals of Building Construction

Comprehensive survey of all major building materials and systems of assembly in architecture and construction. Topics include wood, masonry, concrete, steel, glass, foundations, roofing, walls, frames, doors, and windows as well as considerations of sustainability in the construction process.

Introduction to Building Industry Projects

Guest lecture and speaker series that provided more real-life experiences about professional roles, skills and responsibilities, career opportunities, and higher education pathways.

Fundamentals of Construction Management

Introduction to the concepts of construction project management including: the building design and construction process, project participants, roles and responsibilities, contracts, estimating, scheduling and project control.

Fundamentals of the International Building Code

A comprehensive overview of the International Building Code (IBC) that is adopted and used throughout most jurisdictions of the United States to regulate the use, design, construction, and maintenance of buildings.

Microsoft Excel

This course provides in-depth coverage of the concepts and techniques required to use Microsoft Excel to create spreadsheets to express, analyze, and solve business-related problems.