Last week, I returned from my vacation in France – my sixth visit and fourth time traveling solo there. With my background in French from college, I feel comfortable navigating the country on my own. There’s an energy in France that draws me in; I feel happy, calm, and at ease there. That’s why I chose to spend part of this trip reflecting on my life.

About two months ago, I became interested in a business investment here in the city. I crunched the numbers, had the funds ready, and even set up an LLC. After going back and forth with the business broker for about a month, I was fairly certain it was a good move, but something held me back from pulling the trigger. As my vacation approached, I decided to postpone the decision until I returned. I needed to step away from my American mindset and spend some French time reflecting on it.

While abroad, I drafted a list for how I wanted to spend my days in my ideal lifestyle:

Notably, “managing a business” didn’t make the list. Back home, I thought the investment was a solid idea and likely a good passive income source. But during my travels, I realized that even if it was, I didn’t want to spend my time managing it. It would detract from the activities I truly enjoy. This exercise was eye-opening, and it was reassuring to see that I’m already spending time on many of these pursuits, with room to dive deeper in each.

When I returned home, I found out the business was pending sale. Alas, what is meant for me will never get away. While I could look for another opportunity, I now understand that it’s not how I want to spend my time.

The pull of American greed nearly convinced me to chase more money – a logical pursuit. But at what point do you stop? When do you have enough? When do you start choosing your life and the activities you want to fill your days with, rather than continually pursuing more money?

Since returning home, I’ve found immense joy and contentment with where I am in life. I have enough. I have the time to fill my days with the activities I cherish from that list. It’s in this alignment that I feel truly wealthy and fortunate.