In the last year and a half since I left tech, I have felt joy, relief, confusion, uncertainty, and fear. While I immersed myself in taking classes and enjoying my newfound freedom, I also battled a whirlwind of emotions beneath the surface. At times, I felt grateful and happy to be spending my days as I wished. Other times, I was plagued by fearful thoughts that I was wasting time while my peers were advancing in their careers. My mindset flip-flopped week to week between updating my resume to apply for new jobs and reminding myself of this rare opportunity to pivot away from corporate life. It was tough to stay on one course as different parts of my personality pulled me in various directions.

The dreamer in me wanted to pursue my passions and turn them into a viable lifestyle. The practical side leaned towards corporate jobs, seeking stability and the financial security of a paycheck. The fearful side worried I was wasting my time and education, while also fearing I would regret never chasing my dreams or believing in myself. It was a constant battle.

In the thick of it last year, I balanced a new construction management job, revved up my real estate business, interviewed with over ten tech companies, and trained for a half marathon, hoping to set a personal record. With one foot in each door, I couldn’t fully commit to any of my ventures. Finally in September 2023, after quitting my three-month job, I decided to lay these battles to rest. I turned inward, focused on myself, took a long vacation, and resolved to reconsider my path in the new year.

I came back in January feeling refreshed and invigorated. As I’ve been settling into my lifestyle this year, there has been a newfound acceptance and peace. I am less fearful of my journey and trust that I’m going in the right direction, which has filled me with inspiration to keep exploring. Here are a few things that helped me get here:

  • I explored other corporate careers that interested me, helping me to accept that tech was not my passion and to move on.
  • I found a niche within real estate where I started to generate consistent income, providing stability and helping me feel productive in my new career. 
  • I rediscovered my passion for business and finance. This enthusiasm, which peaked in 2018 and led to my first real estate investment, had been on the back burner during my working years. Now, I have reinvigorated energy and motivation!
  • I realized the peace and harmony that come when mind, body, and spirit are one. It is nothing a high-salary tech job can ever provide, so I can willfully walk away from the lure of those benefits.

Although the last year was tumultuous, I believe it was necessary. I had to start my own business in a field I had always been interested in, begin a new job in an industry I was curious about, quit that job when I was exhausted, and even make an effort to return to tech, thinking it was what I wanted. It was all a practice in listening to myself and following my heart. With a history of being at war with myself, this provided me with more peace than I ever imagined. Now, I won’t be left wondering “What if…” because I tried. Some things didn’t turn out as expected, but at least now I can move forward in other directions. 

I’ve learned that aligning my passions with my career is not just a dream, but a necessity for my well-being. It’s now easier for me to turn down opportunities if I imagine I won’t enjoy the work or if I have better ways to spend my time. This journey of self-discovery has been challenging, but immensely rewarding as well. We shall see what the rest of the year has in store!